The Danger of “I’m the Exception”

Everybody thinks public schools are in horrible shape.  But everyone also thinks their particular school or district is really good.  Congress has ridiculously low approval ratings and everyone thinks they’re a bunch of crooks and liars.  But everyone thinks the individual congressperson they voted for isn’t that bad, certainly better than the rest.  Everybody knows they house always wins in the long run, but how many people have told you they always break even or come out ahead at the casino?

When you clearly identify institutional and social problems for the public at large, but find yourself always somehow the exception, perhaps you aren’t looking closely or honestly enough.  Perhaps you have applied blinders in order to normalize your own past and present.  Perhaps the conclusion if applied consistently would be too much to deal with because it would leave you culpable in an admittedly bad system, process, behavior, or norm.

There really are exceptions to general rules and observations.  Just be careful if you find yourself in the exceptional position often.  You might be the dupe.