I Wrote a New Book!

I’m really, really excited about this new pocketbook.

I’m calling it a pocketbook to properly set expectations. It’s short. Very short!

I love short books. It annoys me when a solid idea gets wrapped in 150 extraneous pages just to fit the industry standard of book length. Get me the meat and fast! I also polled readers like you a few times whether you prefer a really long blog post or a really short book, and short book won hands down.

This pocketbook is the most stripped down, compact version of my approach to career launch I could possibly write. It’s a guidebook for getting your next (or any!) job, how to think about the world of careers today, and it’s the core philosophy behind the Crash platform all in one.

It reads fast and fun (I hope!). It opens with some groundwork on the idea that you need a career signal, offers a brief history on why degrees and resumes are now bad signals, then lays out a simple process for building a better one.

I’m honored to have an intro by Christopher Lochhead, a legend in the world of marketing and startups, a two-time best selling author, and host of a top 30 podcast on iTunes. Chris embodies what the book is about too. He was kicked out of high school and had create something better than paper credentials to launch his career.

There some amazing people who endorsed the book with a blurb for the cover too. Penelope Trunk, Taylor Pearson, Michael Ellsburg, and Mike Maples Jr. That was pretty cool for all of them to review it and say, “Hey, this is awesome!”

The pocketbook ends with a “Gallery of Career Crashers.” These are 20 stories from real life people just like you and me who launched a career in the manner described in the book. These are not super geniuses or people with talents far out of reach. These are sharp people, people willing to buck the norm, and most of all people willing to put in a little work and approach their career as an adventure. Their stories are about a paragraph each and told in the first person and, I think, the best market proof for the pocketbook.

This weekend, I’m making the book free on Amazon for Kindle readers as a little bonus before the paperback comes out in a few days.

Check out a sample and go download the book!