Normal Suffering is Less Scary Than Abnormal Success

I’ve written before about how fear of failure isn’t the thing, it’s fear of failing alone.

At Crash, we’ve seen dozens of people make amazing tailored pitches for companies they want to work for. And we’ve seen it work incredibly well!

So well, in fact, that I have complete confidence that two weeks spent creating and sending 10 tailored pitches to 10 companies will yield better results than spending even a month applying via a resume and normal channels to 100 similar jobs at 100 companies.

People are on the job hunt already. It takes some work and effort. The pitch approach takes no more effort on net (probably less), but it takes a different kind of effort. It’s not normal. So it’s a hard mental hurdle to overcome.

It feels pretty comfortable to do the same thing over again even if it doesn’t work. As long as everyone else also does it and thinks you’re totally normal for doing it. I’ve meet people blasting resumes for 6 months with no change in outcomes, but taking a week to try something radical feels scarier than to continue failing the normal way.

Screw normal! Your life is yours. Find what works for achieving your goals and do that. Unless you goal is to be the stale statistical output of some social aggregate, get off the beaten bath and whack your own.