If I write another book on the future of ed, career, and self-ownership, that’s the title.
It’s not just an option now, it’s a necessity. You’ve got to embrace a worldview in which you are the fundamental unit of economic production and professional progress. You can’t outsource it anymore.
Your vision, product, brand, operation, and growth are an entity in themselves. You don’t get jobs and wait for them to confer this, you generate and adjust it yourself every day. Some days you earn a paycheck from a company, some from customers directly, some from investors. The mix is in flux. But what matters is the mindset.
That’s why we built Crash. A platform to manage the company of you.
The world is so full of opportunity right now I can hardly stand it! The key is changing the way you think about it from rules and conveyor belts and invitations and permission slips to open opportunity if you identify valuable meaningful problems to solve and learn to repeat it.