How to Never Compete with all the Chumps and Their Resumes

Want to bypass the entire stack of resumes and stand head and shoulders above the competition for jobs?


Send a pitch.

What’s a pitch you ask?

And this.
And this, and this, and this.

Those are pitches.

Notice anything?

They are about the company. Tailored to THEM. They focus on the role, and the way the candidate could create value.

They aren’t rambling lists of all your accomplishments. They aren’t generic bullets. No, “Dear Sir or Madam”.

Getting an interview is like getting a date. Can you imagine walking up to every person at the bar, handing them a piece of paper, and saying, “To Whom It May Concern, this paper lists the ten reasons I’m dateable”? Think you’d get a lot of call backs?

Instead, if you’re interested in someone you show it. You take a minute to learn about them. You tell them the reasons you find THEM fascinating. You ask if you can get to know them better because you think they’re pretty great.

Companies are not so different. They don’t want a list of your status. They want to see your interest!

Show it with a pitch. You’ll get 10x the return vs a generic resume and application.


Here are some more pitches if you want more examples: