Hitting Pause on Daily Blogging

Daily blogging is the single highest ROI activity in my life. It has changed everything for me and opened more opportunities than I can count while leveling me up.

And it’s therapeutic. But from time to time, I pause it. Usually when I am embracing a new kind of creative challenge and want to keep the ideas bubbling up in me for a bit longer and let them come out a bit stronger. So I’m pausing the daily posts again. Feels weird, and it’s always kind of hard for me to do now that daily posts are so much in my blood. But I like change.

You can see new stuff I create in several places still. I may post here from time to time. I’m also doing a new season of the Office Hours podcast with TK Coleman, I have a weekly email newsletter called The Inner Game of Startupsand you’ll see some articles on Crash.co and Medium from time to time. I’m also pretty active sharing stuff on Twitter.

Don’t miss me too much.