In Sickness and in Health

Some days suck.

When they do, I often want to skip the daily blog. Especially when I feel physically unwell. Knowing I have to write and publish adds stress and hangs over me.

If it weren’t for my favorite three words, I’d probably skip.

Compared to what?

Asking those three words brings me back. Yes, blogging on a crappy day doesn’t feel good. But compared to not blogging it feels less bad.

If I don’t post because I don’t feel well I get two negatives. Bad day and failure on my personal commitment. If I do post, I don’t feel well and am inconvenienced by posting, but I get one positive. I feel good that I got something done.

Whatever else happens on a bad day, I did something good. I produced something. I stuck to my commitment. I added a tiny bit of value. The feeling of posting on a bad day is greater than on a good day because I know how hard it is.

What’s the point of daily blogging if I only do it when it’s easy? I’d get no benefit that way.