A reader emailed me asking how I feel comfortable sharing political views that are widely unpopular. He also asked if I’ve written about this, and I don’t think I have, so here’s my response:
I found that being somewhat radical has a high social price, but being REALLY radical doesn’t. For example, if I were to Tweet about how I don’t like a specific politician, or how I think a specific tax should be lower, I’d probably get a good bit of pushback. But my posts are about how I don’t care about any politician nor do I think any tax is a good idea at all. As such, it’s rather disarming to the political lynch mobs. It’s out of frame, so they don’t really know what to do with it.
I don’t consider myself political at all, and I don’t see things through that lens. I think this makes it easier to say some things, because I don’t speak in the language of trigger words people on the left and right are ready to fight with each other over.
My experience has been that if I am buying in to political narratives and picking a side, there’s a cost to talking about it. If I ignore news and politics and rise above the fray and focus on first principles like non-violence and individual liberty, the price is pretty low.
I also make a point to talk a lot more about positive things like my work, education, entrepreneurship, and other stuff than I do things deemed political.
Daily blogging really helped me get clarity on my thoughts and what I’m willing to share. Especially since nobody reads a personal blog at least for several years if ever.
Remember: you don’t NEED to weigh in and share your opinion. But your are free to. Just be unthreatened and willing to back them up with kindness and honesty.