Generosity as Investment

I’ve always found that being open and generous pays off in myriad ways, while penny pinching is very costly.

There are more direct and obvious ways in which being generous pays off. You build social capital, and then others are more likely to be generous to you. But thinking in terms of direct quid pro quo is limiting. And if you’re keeping a tally, you’re losing nearly all the benefits of generosity.

Being generous cultivates a mindset and outlook on the world. An abundance mindset changes everything. You enjoy every day more. You see more possibility and opportunity. You get excited about the unknown things that might come back as you spread good will.

It may sound woo woo, but it’s real. Your brain is trained by your repeated actions. Repeatedly being generous trains you to believe on a deep level that this is not a loss and you will have enough. You lose some fear, gain some joy, and begin to see more clearly and have more fun.

Abundance-minded people tend to be more productive, creative, and interesting. They win more, in part because they believe they will, in part because those around them are more inclined to help them win.