Tall Tales

My grandfather was an amazing storyteller. His stories were always believable, but also incredible. In all likelihood, some were exaggerated.

This doesn’t diminish them, it enhances them!

Is there anything more American than exaggeration? Tall tales are the backbone of our mythology. Not dark tales, nor contemplative tales, nor cautionary tales, nor esoteric tales like many cultures. American stories are brash and over the top and about doing amazing things against the odds. It’s all good guys winning all the time.

The downsides to this are obvious, and manifest all around us. But I’m not too worried about those. We all know them and see them and (incessantly) call them out.

Today, I’m thinking of the wonderful parts about tall tales and histories that border on legend. They lift the spirit, delight, entertain, and embolden. They also frustrate the efforts of nihilists and negative Nancys.

Here’s to tall tales!