Laziness leads to boredom, and boredom is the greatest crime against oneself.
Laziness is not about physical labor. You can be bored to tears doing manual labor all day long and you can be engaged and fulfilled while lounging in a hammock.
It’s hard work to live an unboring life, but it’s the work of the mind and heart. It takes relentless self-discovery. You can’t stay interested on a diet of quick hits of easy excitement. You need to unearth the self at the core of your being and live in accordance with what you find. You have to relentlessly purge the things that deaden your soul, bore you, and make you unhappy.
It’s far easier to just go along. It’s easier to do things that appear to be work but require little mental focus, discovery, or honesty.
But it’s not worth the cheap sense of leisure. Living an interesting life requires the deliberate act of being interested in everything within and around you and exploring it.
Boredom is death. Laziness is terminal illness.