We’ve learned a lot in the five years since creating the Praxis apprenticeship program.
We’ve seen the world change rapidly too. It’s not so unusual anymore for people to understand that chasing degrees doesn’t equal life and career success. There’s a lot more buzz about self-directed living and learning.
As TK Coleman put it way back at the beginning, “We are pioneers of the inevitable”.
Praxis provides one tangible way for mold-breakers to get started: an intensive bootcamp and apprenticeship. But we’ve encountered thousands (probably more like tens of thousands) of people who want to launch (or re-launch) their careers and who for whatever reason aren’t a good fit for a startup apprenticeship. This thing is big. There are a lot of people blazing trails out there.
So the question is, if you choose to go your own way, do you have to go it alone?
We say no. We’re building a platform for career-launchers of all stripes. It’s called Crash.
We’ll start with regular blog posts, a new podcast featuring stories of unconventional careers, a weekly newsletter, tools, resources, and a whole lot more coming soon.
Check out the first blog post to get a little more of the flavor, and be a part of the career revolution!