Job Postings Suck

Hirers: you really suck at making your jobs appeal to the right people.

Case in point, I saw an entry level posting: “We want someone passionate about conversion rate optimization”.


No entry level person knows what that is, let alone feels passion for it. That’s like, “Passion for stacking bricks”.

No. Paint a picture! You’re building a cathedral!

No one sees themselves in that description. Especially not the best people. Describe THEM, not the role.

Let’s give it a shot…Same job: “Are you the type to play around with likes and comments to get your video to move up the YouTube recommended videos feed? Did you conspire with friends to get more upvotes on your Mario Maker levels? We want YOU to help us build an awesome company!”

The wrong people will not be into it. The right people will say, “Hey, that sounds like me!” They don’t care about conversion rates. But they do care about doing stuff they’re good at and enjoy, which very well may be conversion rate optimization…help them see that!

Speak to THEM about THEM and what you want about THEM. Not a stupid list of “Must have X degree. Y years experience” and other boring stuff.

Would you go on the dating market the way you try to appeal to new hires? I hope not.

PS – We’re working on both sides of the market at Crash. ‘Cause let’s face it, seekers also suck at showing their skills in relevant ways. Let’s make the job-finding process awesome!

From a Tweetstorm.