You Get to Make the Rules

It’s weird how easy it is to forget that you can do what you want.

When I got my driver’s license at 16, I remember going in to pay at the gas station (back when you had to go inside to pay) and looking longingly at a Snickers bar.  Then it hit me.  I’m driving, I have my own money, I am free to buy a Snickers bar any time I want.  This kind of epiphany of autonomy happened frequently for several years after my newfound independence.  After so many years of tagging along with a parent as a kid, asking if I could come in, or if she’d buy me something, the control I had over my life and its rules came as a perpetual surprise.  I needed to remind myself often.

This still happens, though not with gas station candy.  When I read Anything You Want, a delightful little book by Derek Sivers, it hit me again.  He talked about building a business from nothing.  At first, it’s pretty easy to make up the rules.  But as you get successful, you start to unconsciously slip into behavior patterns you’ve observed elsewhere and you begin to believe you have to operate that way.  Sivers described several moments when he realized, “Wait a minute.  This is my company.  I can do whatever I want.”  He ignore people who told him he had to have a boring legalese Terms of Service on his website.  He did totally odd, unscalable things like order pizza for a customer who requested it.  Why not?  It’s his company, and he thought it sounded fun.

I get hit with this epiphany often in business.  Usually when in torturous deliberation between two decisions which seem the only options because they’re both defined, standard businessy ways of doing things, it will dawn on me that I can just make it up as a go and do something without precedent.  Why not?  Isn’t that the point of building something new?

It’s a rush when you remember your agency.  It’s also a weight of responsibility.  Most of the time, most things are efficiently outsourced to common practice.  But when it’s not working or doesn’t feel right, don’t forget you can do whatever the heck you want.

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When to Be Decisively Indecisive

I’m a big fan of agnosticism.  I don’t mean the orientation to theological questions, but something much broader.  For me, the greater the number of things about which I am agnostic, the happier I am and the more powerful and productive on the very few things about which I have passionate belief.

One of the challenges is that this can leave broad swaths of human experience in indecisive limbo.  When it comes to the vision for Praxis, I am clear as crystal and willing to fight to the death.  When it comes to what color to paint the master bathroom, I am agnostic.  That means when my wife asks my opinion, I have to work hard to conjure something, and whatever I say shouldn’t be taken too seriously, because I’m not that committed to it.

I hate indecision, so the way I have squared these two valuable orientations – broad agnosticism and decisiveness – is to be clearly and immediately decisive about my agnosticism.  The sooner and more firmly I can say, “This I care about, here’s my opinion on that, and these three things I am completely neutral and I want you to choose”, the better.

Just because someone expects you to have an opinion doesn’t mean you need to.  If you waver, it will make them mad and burn social capital.  But if you definitively state your indifference and suggest another person/process to decide, you get the benefits of not being cluttered with concern for everything and not being an annoying flip-flopping bottleneck.

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Know Thyself, Sell Thyself

A good way to speed up your professional prospects is to learn more about yourself.  What comes easier for you than most people?  What problems that nag others are you pretty good at solving?  What don’t you absolutely hate (you don’t have to love it) that others find valuable?

It takes a lot of work to discover these things about yourself, and it’s never really done.  You can’t do it just with books or thinking either.  You’ve gotta try stuff and put yourself in contexts that provide feedback.  You keep trying anything that you don’t absolutely hate, and then seeing how much it pays in knowledge, growth, fun, or money.  Adjust for those with more returns, and repeat as your field of “stuff I should spend time on” narrows more and more.

It’s not enough to know what stuff you’re good at/don’t hate/others value if no one else knows it.  You’ve got to sell it.  You’ve got to show the relevant audiences (showing is always better than telling, the relevant audience is better than “the world”) the value you can create for them.

The nice thing is, these don’t go in sequential order. You don’t need to know thyself before you can sell thyself.  You’d spend all your time preparing and thinking, and never really know yourself anyway because you’d have no experiences from which to learn.  You have to sell yourself to win those experiences.  They feed each other.  The more you know, the better you can sell.  The more you try selling, whether you succeed or fail, the more self-knowledge you gain.

Don’t wait.  Sell your skills, even if you’re roughly guessing at first or your skills are little more than grunt work labor.  Reflect and pay attention to where you create the most value for people and what you don’t hate.  Focus on those and sell them to move into the next round and over and over again.

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What if Software Ate it?

I think we’re still at the beginning of the software takeover of the world.

A good question for your interests and vocations is, “What would this look like eaten by software?”  Some things, like fantasy football, are pretty close already.  Some, like banking, are halfway there.  Others, like buying a house or going out to eat, are nowhere near consumed by software.

What would a software maximum look like in these, and every other area?

Once you start to imagine it, think about how you can orient yourself to win in that world, because it’s coming.

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Single Goal, Several Tactics

Single-mindedness is probably the least appreciated prerequisite for success.  If you aren’t definite in your purpose, you’ll flounder.

But purpose is different than process.  Getting all juiced up to be single-minded and definite takes work, and if achieved, it usually spills over from ends to means.  You get single-minded in your goal and tactics.  You decide exactly what you’re trying to achieve and exactly how to go about it.

If you’re right about the tactics, this is awesome.  You cut through the crap and speed past all the wanderers and experimenters.  But you’re almost never right about the tactics with enough precision to predetermine a course and stick to it.  There are too many unknowns.  If your definiteness is with the tactics and you’re off even by a hair, you’ll miss the mark entirely.

But being tactic-flexible tends to bleed into goal-flexibility, which gets you back to the double-minded wishy-washiness you’re trying to free yourself from.

You’ve got to have something you’re willing to die for.  But only one thing at a time.  One thing that’s your all-or-nothing purpose.  Everything else should be flexible.

Flexible doesn’t mean flimsy.  More like “strong opinions, weakly held“.  You filter and choose tactics and act as if they are true unless and until new information surfaces – information that you are actively searching for.  Indecision is a killer, so there’s got to be a clear pursuit of whatever tactics currently make the most sense while constantly observing and adjusting to new information and insight, ready to completely flip tactics without fear if better ones are clear.

All without changing that fixed, definite end goal.  The purpose remains permanent and singular, while a series of temporarily singular tactics get swapped and pursued in rapid succession.

This shit is really hard.  It takes a lot of work to master either of these – definite purpose and flexible tactics – and damn-near super-strength to do both without going insane.

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Early Customers Are Heroic

Every transaction has two sides.

Every business is based on transactions.

That means for every awesome business success that grew from nothing, there are two parties that made it possible.

The founders and the first customers.

Early adopters are no less heroic and integral to breakthrough successes than founders.

Here’s to the first customers of every big, bold, crazy idea!

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But is it Real?

There are a lot of layers of social signaling out there.  So much so, and it’s rewarded so heavily in online dopamine hits, that it’s easy to focus entirely on achieving better signals of status at the expense of achieving real value behind it all.

When it comes to products, companies, or cryptocurrencies, just use the damn stuff or don’t.

When it comes to your personal goals, just make progress and add value to yourself or don’t.

When it comes to business, just make customers happy or don’t.

Those are really the only choices that matter.  Back it.  Make it real.  Forget about all the framing and posturing and stressing over attention or the need to stake and proclaim a position on every idea and event you hear about.  Screw all of that.

Build the stuff you care about.  Create value.  That’s it.

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The Most Contrarian Thing You Can Do

Be an optimist.

Insist on finding something valuable, useful, and promising in every person and idea you encounter.

The rebel, non-conformist, or contrarian is usually thought of as negative, critical, skeptical, and pessimistic.  They find flaws in common tropes and beliefs.  That’s all well and good, and a critical eye is necessary, but it’s easy to mistake negativity for genuine insight or analysis, and it’s socially more rewarding and safer to be a critic and pessimist than an optimist.

Take any news item or phenomenon and spout off about what you think is wrong with it.  You’ll get some hate, but you’ll get a ton of love too.  People are ready for that.  It’s easy, and doesn’t demand much of you.  You can learn how to critique just by watching everyone else.  Critics are a dime a dozen.

The real radical is the relentless optimist.  Try that.  It’s really hard.  It’s lonely.  Everyone has a “yeah but” to your creative take.  But the reward to demanding to find something good or useful from everything is massive.  You begin to see the world as an endless source of opportunity and enjoyment.

Join me in rebel optimism.  It’ll be great.

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In Favor of Impetuosness

I’m a big fan of action bias.  Even to the point of impetuousness.

It’s not that impetuous action doesn’t have costs.  It definitely does.  It lacks precision, it’s sloppy, never perfect, and sometimes just wrong.  But the cost of correcting an impetuous action is generally low, and the feedback you get is quick and clear.  The knowledge gained from ten impetuous actions that fail is worth more than the marginal mental improvements you can make to one untaken action.

Time is our most bounded resource.  Every unit of time you can use trying something and getting feedback is superior to a unit used not trying something.  There’s a great illustration I’ve come across many times about a pottery class.  Half the class is told to spend a week making the best pot they can, and half are told to spend a week making as many pots as they can.  Guess whose pots were better at the end of the week?  Gotta get those reps in!

One way to increase action bias is to adopt the “strong opinions weakly held” mindset.  When you have an intuition or idea, act as if it’s true, but hold that truth loosely as you await feedback on the action.

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How You Work Leads to Where You Work

It doesn’t matter what your current job is.  It could be fast food, babysitting, a cool tech company, or construction.  You can leverage it into a great next step.  One of the best ways that almost everyone overlooks is by loving your current role and treating it with enthusiasm and pride.  And letting it show.

People who are always pumped about their work and clearly proud of what they do, sharing successes and trials, genuinely promoting their company, coworkers, and the mission, are people others want to work with.  If you’re living and breathing your job and clearly working to create value every day with joy, everyone who sees that will want that same enthusiasm for their company.  They’ll want to work with you.

How you work matters.  People notice.  If you work out loud with excitement in your current job, it will enhance the opportunity to find your next job more than you know.

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The Secret of Selfishness

One of the great secrets I’ve discovered is that determining to find something beneficial and refusing to be merely a critic of anything I encounter changes my entire outlook and sets fire to my imagination.

I’m not very good at it.  The critic is easy.  Especially when you can justify it by claiming to be discriminating, skeptical, or prudent.  But really it’s none of these things.  It’s lazy.  Every person, thing, or idea encountered can be mocked, deconstructed, or criticized with little effort, intelligence, insight, and even less benefit afterwards.  The habit of criticize first closes the mind and shrinks the world we inhabit.

There is amazing untapped power if we’re willing to shut down the critic.  This isn’t about being an altruist.  You don’t even need some grand love of mankind to try it.  You need to be more selfish.  You need to want – to demand and resolve – to get something of value from every interaction and encounter.  You have to stubbornly refuse to let the critic blind you to the benefits in everything.  You must commit to penetrate the easy to ignore or deride surface and find something of value to take with you to the next experience.

If you can tap into this secret selfish power, you will see things no one else sees, enjoy things others ignore, and build social and material wealth where others burn them.

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The Success of Your Friends is Your Success

Envy is evil.

Not just for its corrosive effects on society, but for what it can do to undermine your own success.  Envy makes you bitter and joyless.  Worse, it blinds you to your own potential and the opportunity around you.

If the success of those around you makes you less happy, you’re in a death spiral.  Conversely, one of the great secrets to personal growth and achievement is the realization that the success of your friends is your success.  Not metaphorically, and not just ’cause it gives you feels.  In a very literal sense.

You can think of it as a formula:


Your ceiling equals your success times your friends success.  Let me give a simple example to illustrate.  If you succeed at coming up with a  brilliant idea for a business (YS goes up with the idea) and you have friends who have succeeded financially (FS is high), they can invest in your idea or connect you to those who can, which multiplies the total yield from your effort.

Given the above formula, there are several ways to raise your ceiling.  One is to increase your success directly (grow YS).  Another is to increase the number of people you consider friends (grow F).  Another is to increase the amount of success your friends have (grow S).

The more people with whom you are friendly, and the more you embrace and support their success, the more you multiply your own efforts and raise your personal achievement ceiling.  Each year that passes, if you keep investing in FS, it will compound.  I have friends whose success has led to them meeting people who were really valuable to the success of other friends, so I connected them, increasing everyone’s success, and later those successful friends were able to connect me to people who could help with what I’m doing, etc.

It’s sort of like Metcalfe’s Law for your personal network, except better.  I doesn’t just grow in value with each new node, but each node grows in value as each other node grows in value as well.

Be generous with who you consider a friend, and take joy in all their successes!  It will catapult your efforts. (But remember, no matter how high FS, if YS is zero, your ceiling will still be zero).

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