Populism is a mess. Constitutional attempts to restrict it are weak. To quote Mises, the “Planned Chaos” of governments is taking a toll.
A lot of people seem to be searching more ancient traditions for sense and stability. They long for a clearly structured world that harmonizes with the hierarchies in nature and human nature. Some of them long for a king.
I respect the sentiment, but it eats its own tail.
Understanding the problems of democracies and bureaucratically managed populist programs is important. More voices having a stake in controlling others is not an effective way to curb control of others. It only feeds and fragments it.
I also appreciate the recognition of objective aspects of reality. As Thomas Sowell might say, we need a “Constrained Vision” that recognizes realities like scarcity, ignorance, and natural human desires. We cannot wish away bad things or bad people. We cannot wish away differences between people, even those that seem to create uncomfortable inequalities in the outcomes of their lives. To do so is not only inhumane, it is deluded. It cannot succeed, and running counter the the structure of reality will only end in more pain than what you seek to solve.
I don’t disagree with the idea of regality. The ideal of a noble being with authority, respect, responsibility, and dominion.
Where it is misguided is when it seeks to find this in any earthly being outside of oneself.
The calling of a human is to be and become that king. To provide the kind of leadership and structure to your family and voluntary relationships that you are the earthly king of your own mind, body, spirit, and domain.
To seek this in another human is to abdicate your own duties and responsibilities. That is the same folly the would-be kingmakers see in the populist mobs. You cannot outsource your reign. You must find how to properly align it with God, other people, and reality.
It’s too easy to see the truth in the pattern of kingship and miss the application of that pattern. The pattern maps onto you, not anyone else.
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