What We’ve Learned in the First Five Years of Praxis
Praxis Daily: There’s No Certification for Entrepreneurship
Praxis Daily: All Information Is Good Information
Praxis Daily: Opportunity in Disguise
Last Week’s TV Appearances
I was asked on Fox & Friends, and then After the Bell the next day. They never told me the exact topic, and I wasn’t really prepared for the political framing in both cases, but I tried to bring it to what I care most about!
Office Hours: Results > Rules
Praxis Daily: Say ‘Yes’ Early So You Can Say ‘No’ Later
Praxis Daily: Delete Shred Destroy
Office Hours: When to Stick and When to Quit
Praxis Daily: How to Get Started on Your Career
So Hot I Can Hardly Stand It!
Full Ride Praxis Scholarship for Homeschoolers!
We offered one last year and it was awesome, so we’re trying one more. Homeschoolers are such amazing Praxis participants that we want to award one top applicant a full ride to the program. The program is net-zero cost as it is – $11k tuition is more than earned back in the apprenticeship – but the scholarship award winner will walk away with a porfolio of skills and projects, 6 months startup experience, over $14k in earnings, and a 96% chance of a full-time job offer after one year.
As Key & Peele’s substitute teacher said: We. Do. Not. Play.
Send around to all the homeschoolers you know!
I’ll Be Back on Fox & Friends Wednesday, July 18 Live in the DC Studio. Time TBD.
Tune in, or just watch the clip later on YoutTube or Facebook. Not sure details yet, but they asked me in studio since I’ll be in DC giving a talk that day anyway. Should be fun. Only question is which color Praxis T-shirt to wear…
The Praxis Blog Now Has Over 1,000 Posts!
Archived and organized by category for easy use in launching your career. Big shout-out to Chuck Grimmett and Lolita Allgyer for doing something we’ve been needing to do for a long time.
Our goal has always been to provide as many amazing resources for career launch to as many people as possible on the blog. Now it’s easier than ever.
This is truly a massive, amazing resource. Poke around! (And check out a bunch of awesome Top 10 Lists posted this month!)
Introducing Praxis Daily YouTube Videos
All the kids are on YouTube these days. (Shakes cane). We’ve had podcast episodes and some other great videos on our YouTube channel for a while, but it was more of an afterthought.
Not anymore.
We’re posting a new video every weekday full of fun tips, tech tools, stories, and career insight. Check out the videos, subscribe, share, and comment. We’ll be monitoring the comments and trying to answer as many questions as possible in future daily videos.
Just getting started, but check out the Praxis YouTube channel for daily videos.
Keep an eye out for more awesome announcements throughout the rest of 2018 and beyond.