Every company wants great talent.
Praxis is no exception.
We use the best information we can get to help us determine who will create value as a member of the team.
Marketing associate Brian Nuckols walks through exactly how he demonstrated to us he was worth working with.
This is amazing. And it demonstrates powerfully everything we’re helping young people see about the world and how to win opportunities!
- We did not know Brian or have any character references prior to this. He had no “inside track”.
- He needed full time work, but he ignored that and focused on companies he was interested in, even though in our case all we had was an (very low pay) internship. He never once asked about pay or a full-time role. He simply proved he could create value and his internship quickly became a job.
- We never once saw nor even thought to request a resume, educational status, etc. In fact, we didn’t even know his amazing, outlandish mix of previous experiences until he started telling stories at happy hour as an employee. Why? Because that info is less valuable than what he did show us.
- Brian spent probably 20 hours deep diving into our company, getting to know how we worked, and creating ways to demonstrate that knowledge in specific ways. He didn’t tell us, he showed us!
- 20 hours sound like a lot? Compared to what? Five years padding a flabby resume by chasing credentials?
- Brian’s specific ideas he proposed weren’t all great. We didn’t hire him because he had a perfect strategy for us. We gave him a shot because he demonstrated forward tilt, creativity, passion for our mission, detailed, critical thinking about our marketing, and a massive degree of self-learning and initiative.
- Brian focused on US, not on him. “Here’s why I love what you’re doing, what it looks like to me, and what I’d do to help it grow”, vs. “Here’s what I’m all about and what I do and how great I am.”
If you’re buying a credential, polishing a resume, and blasting it around based on title and salary, you’ve missed the boat and wasted hours (if not years) and lord knows how much money.
The good news? It’s never too late.
Learn to create value.
Prove your ability to do so.
Check out Brian’s approach. It’s one great example among infinite variations!