Good Disease

Many families, businesses, neighborhoods, churches, and cities have a diseased culture.

Gossip, squabbling, rudeness, passive aggression, cliques, manipulation, control: these are the symptoms of the disease.

If you find yourself in one of these the first instinct, if you cannot easily flee, is to eradicate the disease. You want some kind of strong medicine to kill it. Or to get rid of those most infected. This doesn’t work well.

The thing about culture is that’s it’s always infected with something. You can’t sanitize it and leave it alive. The only cure for bad disease in a culture is good disease.

Good disease can’t be prescribed or mandated. It has to spread, one person at a time, just like bad disease.

If you find yourself in a badly diseased culture, complaining about it will only increase the symptoms. Your only option is to begin infecting others with something good.