Why I’m Bullish on the Future of Capitalism

Why am I not worried that some group of people or the entire world are ‘moving towards socialism’?

Because I have eyes.

Everywhere I look – every state, country, city, or region in every culture and tongue – everywhere I have ever been or heard about consists of people who daily reveal their love for markets. People the world over love free trade and the fruits thereof. They seek it. They find it even when governments try to stamp it out. It cannot die.

People love to create, exchange, produce, consume, innovate, improve, and seek material and spiritual progress, happiness, and comfort. The remotest place on earth, if humans live there, will have shops and markets and trading of some kind.

Everywhere capitalism has an ounce of oxygen or an inch of space it explodes with a force untouchable by any do-gooder scheme of violence and control.

Show me a protester and I will show you his closet full of the fruits of capitalism. Show me an advocate of redistributionism and I’ll show you her interest-yielding accounts. Show me an unruly mob and I’ll show you a group of consumers and producers who jump at every chance to engage in peaceful, self-interested trade.

I don’t listen much to what people say. People say they love many things that, when the lights go out, they completely ignore. They say they hate many things that, when behind closed doors they delight in. One of the great lessons of social sciences is that people’s labels and protests and pet causes and speeches and tracts do a piss-poor job of revealing their preferences compared to their actions.

People say a great many things about markets with words. Yet they speak with remarkable simplicity and uniformity with deeds. That voice cries out, the world over, that humans love nothing more than the freedom to peacefully pursue their own self-interest and enjoy the results of that pursuit.

Listen to their actions. Give them more of what they want. The greater the extent of freedom experienced the harder it is to lose that ground later.

Don’t just tell people what markets can do. Show them.

Imagine. Create. Build. And see that you are not alone. All of humanity supports you, though many lack the clarity or sense or humility to admit it in words.

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God and the Devil in Policies and Hacks

Individuals who advocate welfarism and redistribution are angry at god.

Individuals who chase get rich quick schemes are enamored by the devil.

I don’t say that lightly.

In the first instance, you could substitute for “god” something like the substrate of reality, the inescapable fact of logic, the existence of choice and free-will, scarcity, cause and effect, the truth, or trade-offs.  Failure to make peace with this results in a never ending and bitter quest to shake a fist at reality, envy those who seem not to share this anger, and curse at the mountain.  It requires constant reassurances to yourself and others that you are right and righteous, even while attempting to deny the enduring reality of cause and effect by which that might be judged.  It is a losing game.

In the second instance, you could substitute for “the devil” something like deception, falsehood, blissful ignorance, flattery, or the lie.  Rather than anger at reality, this is denial; an optimists primary method of evading it (vs. the pessimists outlined above).  It’s a perpetual effort to avoid the inescapable fact that progress, growth, and good cannot be separated from work, challenge, and struggle.  It is a losing game.

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This is Why Young People Go to College

Most people don’t realize just how much pressure young people feel to be mediocre, monotonous, dull, dependent, unproductive, and unhappy.

They will get unlimited support and praise if they stay on a conveyor belt taking them away from independence, productivity, creativity, and personal success.  If they set out to build a life they want, they will get the opposite.

This is why most young people go to and suffer through college.  Not to learn.  Not even because they think it will help them get a job.  They go because what they’d have to endure from family to do more is a price too high.

Here’s an email (shared with permission, slightly abbreviated, anonymized, and italicized for emphasis) I received from a recent Praxis applicant that describes what so many individuals face:

“I just turned twenty years old. I am currently working two jobs to keep myself afloat in California. I’m originally from New Jersey. I’m out here on my own and it’s great! I am gaining so much independence and learning how to handle responsibility.

I came out here at first to give college a go. I was studying Spanish and business and my whole family was happy and impressed. And I was dissatisfied.

I felt like a baby. My tuition was being paid for by a family member. My rent was being paid for, as well. I wasn’t taking responsibility for anything and more importantly, I was not challenging myself or taking my life into my own hands.

So, I did end up leaving university in search of more independence and maturity. I decided to go all in on developing my skills and value to offer to the real work force. I have been building my website every day after work and it is still a work in progress but I am loving taking it day by day, task by task and learning from my mistakes.

It’s a roller-coaster, and learning to deal with little mishaps to big mistakes is actually really nice compared to a year ago when I felt like I could just coast and still be seen as ‘successful’. Now, I am getting real experience with a real project. I have been reading books on subjects like SEO and social media marketing because these are areas I would really like to be knowledgeable in and use in the work force. I’m inspired and amped up thinking of the freedom, innovation and collaboration that can happen when we utilize the internet to connect, serve and share with each other.

That is how I found Praxis and that is why I kept returning to the blog and finally applying to the program. I want to set out on my own path to creative success and I would like to do it working with other people who can challenge me and I, them. I am looking for an opportunity to learn how to contribute quality and be a respected team player as well as independent innovator.

I really appreciate the opportunity this program provides people like me, who have a lot of drive and passion and just need an environment and the tools to really exceed their potential.”

Notice her life was made materially easy, and she was praised by family so long as she went along with years of dullness.  She knew deep down it was moving her further from her goals, and she wasn’t engaged with the world or creating value.  But the support was strong.

The cost of breaking free isn’t that she’ll struggle to learn valuable skills or build a great career – far from it!  She can do those much better away from college.  The cost was losing that comfy financial support and heartfelt emotional support.  If she failed as a college grad, no one would blame her.  To fail being something more means to fail alone.

She didn’t let that stop her.  You can feel the pride and self-ownership in this email.  And my guess is that, after the initial pushback, her family will end up respecting her more in the long run, and supporting her in healthier ways.

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Office Hours: How to Get What You Want

This week on Office Hours, TK and Isaac talk about the popular but misguided approach by most popular “How to get what you want” advice, when is a blog post TMI, and learning how to follow through with ideas.

  • How do you know if your blog posts are TMI? How do you balance writing about personal topics with writing where coworkers and potential future employers might read it?
  • How do I become more than just an idea guy?

Check out the new episode of Office Hours now on iTunesYouTubedirect download and all major podcast platforms.

Topics Discussed:
  • No one cares about giving you what you want until you are creating value for them.
  • All rules are negotiable if you are valuable enough
  • What is value creation?
  • Value creation isn’t always monetary
  • Taking feedback from the marketplace
  • There is a price for everything that you say
  • How being valuable gives you more flexibility with what you create
  • Learning how to implement and execute ideas
  • Don’t let FOMO dictate what you work on
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137 – How Cryptocurrency Can Improve Content, with Ryan X. Charles

Ryan X Charles is the co-founder and CEO of Yours.org, a social media platform that uses cryptocurrency micropayments to incentive creators and support better content.

Ryan has a fascinating backstory of leaving academia and diving headfirst into Cryptocurrency. In this episode, Isaac and Ryan talk about that backstory, his time at Reddit, the origin story of Yours, and how Yours is helping to improve content on the internet.

Topics Discussed:

  • What the X means in Ryan X Charles
  • What got Ryan interested in Bitcoin
  • Deciding to go full-time into Bitcoin in 2013
  • The idea for Yours.org
  • The problems with micro-payments
  • Working on payment channels for Yours
  • Changing the infrastructure from Bitcoin to Litecoin to Bitcoin Cash
  • How the payments work on Yours.org
  • The different ways of creating value on social media
  • How economics helps create better content on the internet

Links and Resources:

If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, YouTubeiTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher

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136 – ‘Your Next Government?’ with Tom W. Bell

Tom W. Bell is a lawyer, author, and professor focused on the future of legal systems and government. Whether it is Seasteading, double democracy, or special economic zones, Tom is at the cutting edge for ideas about the future of government.

In this episode, we dive deep into his new book “Your Next Government? From the Nation State to Stateless Nations” and the evolution of government through history and into the future.

Topics Discussed:

  • How the nation-state took over governance
  • The trend over the past century towards more centralized government and then recently to more decentralized governance
  • Different forms of governance
  • Special economic zones and foreign trade zones
  • Fordlandia
  • The potential for special economic zones in the U.S.
  • Is there too much democracy, or not enough?
  • Double democracy
  • How 100% ownership makes cities better
  • Governments as a computer operating system
  • Gold swans and why we should be optimistic about the future of government

If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, YouTubeiTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher

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A Long Case for the Morality of Capitalism

I finally compiled all in one place a lot of posts on the morality of capitalism.

You can access the full essay on Yours.org.  Great excuse to setup an account and get familiar with Bitcoin Cash enabled micropayments too!  (You can even email me a link to your Yours profile and I’ll tip you your first little bit of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to get you started, so you don’t have to figure out how to buy BCH on an exchange or any of that!)

Here’s the essay on the morality of capitalism.

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A Few Items for 2018

  • I’m using a series of Trello boards again.  Tasks, Creative, Ideas, Done, Dead.  Simple, clean, every day check in on running lists for both deep work, and to fill those in-between times I was previously filling with a social media checkin here or there.
  • Less social media.  I pulled way back in 2017, down to about 10 mins/day on Facebook, and 20 on Twitter.  Tightening even more.
  • Writing daily, not publishing to the blog daily.  I’m working on a lot more Praxis product/curriculum content, and focusing my daily writing on that this year.
  • Podcast focus narrowed.  I’ll be sporadically recording new podcast episodes rather than regularly, focusing the regular recording on Office Hours with my man TK.
  • Office.  Yes, a physical office in downtown Charleston for Praxis next stage of growth.  It’s badass.  Coming soon.
  • Alarm clock.  It had been a life goal of mine to never use one.  Achievement unlocked.  Less interesting than I thought.  I didn’t use one for most of the past three years.  Now I want to again (especially since not working from home anymore, to get my daily walk in, I’ve got to adjust my schedule earlier).
  • Praxis, Praxis, and more Praxis.  As CEO, my three areas of focus are money, talent, and vision.  I want to double everything this year, including my own productivity.
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135 – Robin Hanson on ‘The Elephant in the Brain’

Robin Hanson is a professor of economics at George Mason University. He is the author of The Age of Em and co-author of the new book The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life which is a facilitating look into the real reasons that motivate people and society.

In this episode, Isaac and Robin dive into some of the ideas from Elephant in the Brain and unravel the reasons why people continue to do things that don’t seem to work or help them achieve their stated goals.

Topics Discussed:

  • Robin’s new book, The Elephant in the Brain
  • Split-brain patients
  • The reasons for vague language
  • The lack of correlation between medicine and health
  • Using gifts to show how much we care
  • The cost of violating norms
  • Why religious people are healthier and wealthier
  • Demonstrating group loyalty through ritual
  • Religion and politics
  • Signaling and education
  • Our choices have audiences
  • How signals change over time


If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, YouTubeiTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher

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