107 – FwTK: Balanced People are Boring, Barber Shops, and Philosophy in 30 Days

Today we’re back at it and things get a little weird at first.  We cover lots of stuff, and end with a deep dive on deep dives.

Also we unveil a cool new totally free resource by Praxis!  Philosophy in 30 Days.

Mentioned in the episode: Subway, ‘as if it’s true’, Brian Brenberg, Stanislavsky, barber shops, baristas, labels, Jewish meditation, Dallas Willard, social justice warriors, Sudbury Valley School, soccer, Why Haven’t You Read this Book?  Whitney Houston would have failed to mae it on American Idol, deep learning, philosophy in 30 days, Gregory Cokle, balance is boring.

Recommendations: Punished by Reward, and Insult to Intelligence.

If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

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106 – Why Intellectual Property Sucks, with Stephan Kinsella


Is intellectual property law the foundation of an innovative society? Or a racket set up to protect entrenched businesses from competition? Stephan Kinsella joins the show this week to break down intellectual property law.

Stephan is a practicing patent attorney, a libertarian writer and speaker, Director of the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom (C4SIF), and Founding and Executive Editor of Libertarian Papers.

He is one of the clearest and most compelling thinkers on intellectual property law.

We cover the historical context of IP law, the modern day consequences of copyright and patent monopolies, the flaws in common arguments for intellectual property laws, and more.

Covered in this episode:

  • How did Stephan become interested in intellectual property?
  • His intellectual evolution on the topic of intellectual property
  • What are copyright, patent, trademarks, and trade secrets?
  • Where did the concept of intellectual property come from?
  • Which IP laws are the most harmful?
  • Fraud vs. Trademarks
  • Libertarian perspectives on IP
  • John Locke’s  errors on property that affect us today
  • Why Innovation is stronger without IP (fashion, food, football)
  • Problems with trade secret law
  • Copyright law that existed under common law
  • Why IP is wrong from a deontological and consequentialist point of view
  • How would J.K. Rowling make a living without IP?
  • How to be principled about IP as an entrepreneur while not harming your company


If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

105 – Joseph Coker on Music, Comedy, and Being a Jack-of-All Trades

joseph coker

Joseph Coker is a true renaissance man. He is a comedian and podcast/radio host based in Charleston, SC. He’s also a musician, jiu-jitsu instructor, and entrepreneur.

In his early twenties, Joseph was married, living in Europe, and working for a church. Life felt stable, but it soon turned chaotic. After losing his brother and going through a divorce in the span of six months Joseph realized he needed to make some big life changes. He sat down, evaluated his life, and set goals for what he wanted to accomplish.

Now, he’s built a successful jiu-jitsu business, is headlining comedy shows, will soon be releasing a music EP, and hosts a podcast.

Find out how Joseph bounced back from adversity, become an efficient learner in so many different disciplines.

Covered in this episode:

  • Joseph’s early career plans
  • The impact of the renaissance man ideal
  • Anxiety about becoming a jack of all trades, but master of none
  • Moving to Europe, and then returning after a series of challenging events
  • How he built his jiu-jitsu teaching business from cold calling schools to find students a few years ago to turning away kids today
  • How he started doing stand-up comedy
  • Joseph’s comedy writing process
  • How to engage the crowd at a comedy show
  • The process of writing music
  • The cliche of the suffering artist
  • Good songwriting is about empathy
  • How he found a great producer for his new EP
  • Two songs from Joseph’s upcoming EP: Red Flag and Pompei


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104 – FwTK: Pie in the Face, Beatdowns, Niche Markets, Insecure Philosophers, and Angry on Facebook

Today we squeezed in an episode before some weekend travel.  We talk about conflicting moral intuitions on violence and just deserts, how the market empowers small groups without disempowering anyone else, why good ideas don’t need subsidies, and how entertaining self-serious Facebookers can be.

Mentioned in the episode: Kevin Johnson, Boogie Cousins, Lady Gaga, How Anonymity Enhances Civility, Qdoba, Heidegger, and more I’m forgetting.

Recommendations: Five Characters in Search of Exit Twilight Zone episode, and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

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103 – GlockStore Founder Lenny Magill on Sales and Why Problem Solving Beats a Resume

Lenny Magill

Lenny Magill is the founder and CEO of Glockstore, the largest retailer of Glock weapons, accessories, and parts in the world. The online store at Glockstore.com alone serves over 250,000 customers around the globe. Lenny is also very well known in the shooting community for his videos on shooting and self-defense.

Lenny shares the story of his career, from growing up in Pennsylvania, and along all sorts of twists and turns from working in restaurants, radio DJing, selling advertising, producing TV shows, selling gun videos to now, running the largest Glock retailer in the world.

This episode is two hours jam packed with amazing stories and powerful insights. You won’t want to miss a minute.

Covered in this episode: 

  • Lenny’s upbringing in Pennsylvania
  • Leaving the path to medical school, dropping out, and moving to California
  • Working in restaurants
  • How waiting tables opened an opportunity in radio
  • Lenny’s journey in the radio business
  • How radio news led to selling radio ads
  • Becoming a student when you have an incentive
  • Transition into cable TV
  • How crucial relationships are to success
  • How he entered the gun business
  • Handing a rapidly changing video environment in the 90’s
  • Why you need to do great work no matter what job you have
  • The importance of time for concentrated thought about life, business, and who you want to be
  • What habits, tools, and techniques Lenny has used to create a happy, healthy, and successful life


If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.


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102 – FwTK: The Future is the Present, You Just Don’t Know it Yet…

Today TK’s new mic got us a little distracted and caused some racially uncomfortable moments.  We got over it.

We dove into how weird it is that TK doesn’t care to check tasks off his list after he’s done them and how obsessed I am with list-checking.  We discussed the danger of believing you are owed anything.  We touched on positive rights (terrible) and negative rights (wonderful but still sometimes a trap), the weirdness of doing things you hate because they are “cheap” or “free”, how not to build social capital, why learning to use Google beats everything else, and, most exciting to me, how to gain an edge by seeing the future as already here.

“It’s dead alright.  I didn’t kill it.  It was dead when I got here.” – Larry the Liquidator

Mentioned in the episode: Wayne Dyer, Danny DeVito, Other People’s Money, Breaking Smart, Taylor Pearson, TK’s nephew schooling him in basketball, The Great Divorce, Michael Huemer, the ATR 2100, and lots more I’m forgetting.

Recommendations: “Going All In” by Taylor Pearson, and The Problem of Political Authority by Michael Huemer.

If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

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101 – The Football Episode

This episode is all about football. Cameron Sorsby, Levi Morehouse, and Ian Vanhover join the show to break down everything from the start of the NFL season. From week one results to Tom Brady’s suspension, and how to create winning cultures.

Also covered in this episode:

  • Is it weird to share a fantasy football team?
  • Why is deflate-gate still a thing?
  • Roger Goodell’s reputation and negative impact on the NFL
  • Notable moments and results from week one
  • The importance of a winning culture
  • How can you turn a losing culture into a winning culture
  • Why aren’t there better head coaches in the NFL?
  • When should teams fire coaches?
  • What are the incentives for franchises
  • Where are the next great quarterbacks?
  • Is football a dying sport?
  • What quarterbacks and teams will surprise people this year?


Check out these previous episodes with Levi and Cameron:

If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

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Praxis Customer Reviews

We opened up customer reviews on the Praxis Facebook page, and in the first day, we got some amazing feedback!

“I spent September 2015 – July 2016 in the Praxis program. It was without a doubt the most productive and wonderful year of my life. I started the program as an 18-year-old high school graduate with no real skills. I left the program with two full time job offers, an awesome website, an article published on Vox, and so much more.

I can’t really describe the effect Praxis had on my life. It seems like all my peers are struggling every single day. In 3 years they will graduate from school and struggle to find a job that can pay off their debt. The future is scary for most young adults. That’s not the case for me. Praxis gave me everything I needed and more to come out of the program ready to conquer the world!

Opting out of school and joining Praxis was the single greatest decision of my life. If you’re ready to kick life to the next level, Praxis is your answer.”


“Praxis changed the game for me. It connected me with driven, high-growth, ambitious, life-learners and self-starters. It introduced me to a world where people who want things go out and get them, on purpose. They don’t wait for good things to come or for permission—they just start building.

The experience as a whole flipped my notions about the aim of education on its head—from going school to “get a job” versus learning as a means to creating a fulfilling life according to my terms.

It challenged me. The curriculum, the underlying philosophy, the people. All
of these elements pushed me beyond the original notions I had about my personal limits. Praxis is to young professionals what accelerators are to startups.

If you’ve ever wondered of what you’re truly capable and wish you could start working to discover that sooner rather than later…don’t waste another minute. Apply right now. Jump in. Get started. You won’t regret it.”


“Praxis is full of the highest caliber young people that I have ever met. From the very beginning of the program the growth is immediately noticeable. If you are ready to reach the next level, apply for Praxis and break the mold.”


“Praxis has launched my career forward by more than I can express. I’ve learned real-life skills that I’ve used to create massive growth during my Apprenticeship. I’ve got data proof that I’m valuable – something employers care about much more than a degree (which is becoming more and more meaningless).

Most people my age are just beginning their 4-year-long path to massive debt that they’ll be paying for into their 30’s. Meanwhile, I’m spending net $0 on my real-life education.

On top of all the knowledge and skills I’ve gained, I also have an amazing career as Sales Manager at a tech startup. I truly feel like I’m growing and learning every day. Best feeling ever. Thanks Praxis!!”


“Praxis was a quarter million dollar decision for me. I offer no exaggeration. I completed the Praxis program from Feb ’14 to Nov ’14, was promptly promoted by my business partner the day it ended to VP of Business Development, and have earned over $250,000 in income since I began at my business partner.

I opted out of college after one year, did some stuff in the middle, and ultimately was introduced to Praxis, a completely life-altering decision. I am a high performance sales professional, a creative marketer, and a valuable professional. I’ve created over $2,000,000 in revenue for my business partner in 2 years, and countless millions in revenue for my clients.

I would not have this life if I had let Praxis be an idle thought instead of number one priority. I have built a life, career, and skills that will carry me through a successful life.

Apply for Praxis. Ask me if you want and further details.”

We set out to create the best education/career program in the world and we have.  We set out to create a program where we are directly accountable to the customer for value creation, and we did.

We’re just getting started.

100 – Kylon Gienger on the Launch of The Succesful Dropout

Kylon Gienger is a serial entrepreneur and the creator of The Successful Dropout Podcast. Since dropping out of college during freshman year, Kylon has founded and co-founded companies in the construction, fitness, food, and online education industries.

Seeing the ineffectiveness of traditional education and the rise of amazing alternatives, Kylon set out to create the ultimate resource for young people considering leaving college, or skipping it altogether, and so The Successful Dropout was born.  

Covered in this episode:

  • Kylon’s morning routine
  • How homeschool pushed Kylon towards entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship lessons from youth ministry
  • Is kidnapping a wedding tradition?
  • How leaving the Navy launched Kylon’s entrepreneurial journey
  • Starting and growing a painting company, a hot yoga studio, and a juice bar
  • Systems and risks for hiring employees
  • Deciding to branch out from one business into other businesses
  • Why Kylon started The Successful Dropout
  • Just in time learning vs. just in case learning
  • What’s next for The Successful Dropout

Links and Recommendations:

If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

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99 – FwTK: Quality of Life, School Sadness, Costly Resumes, Listener QA, and the Mandela Effect

Today we hit tons of stuff.  TK and I open with a discussion of how small amounts of money or time can pay huge quality of life dividends.  We lament the sadness of forcing kids into schools, discuss why a bad resume is like asking someone to pay you for nothing, and then dive into tons of listener questions.

Thanks to: Georgia Houghton, Francisco, Matt Needham, Karen Morehouse, Caitlyn Scheel, Nate Baker, Dan Sanchez, Zak Slayback, Maxine Cox, Wanda Lough, and Connor Jeffers for awesome questions.

  • How to be a successful entrepreneur?
  • How to work remotely, and pros/cons?
  • Does Isaac remember his mother?
  • Least favorite thinkers?
  • Are your 20’s as good as it gets?
  • Does interest in electoral politics make you less free? (Yes)
  • Best way to start a new routine?
  • Alternatives to STEM degrees?
  • Innovations we like but don’t know how to make?

Mentioned in the episode: Narnia, vacation, Chucky, Poking Hobbes in the Eye, The Student vs. The Entrepreneur Approach to Learning, The Mandela Effect, Horror Movie Epistemology, Tim Chermak, lightning learning, Tesla, time travelers, aliens, NDT, and a bunch more stuff.

Recommendations: PHI, and Beyond the Blame Game.

This and all episodes are available on on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google PlayYouTube, and Stitcher.  Rate and review if you like it!

98 – How Tim Chermak Quit College, Learned Marketing, and Started a Company that Generates $50k/Month

Tim Chermak

Tim Chermak is the founder of Platform, the digital marketing agency for real estate agents. Tim created his education outside of the school system, consistently invested in himself, and learned valuable skills to build a career and a company.

If you are or want to be an entrepreneur, you’ll love this episode.

Tim shares his stories from getting his first clients as a marketing consultant to shifting his consulting business into a scalable digital marketing company and the challenges along the way.

*The episode includes about 9 minutes of NFL talk, skip from 9:00 – 18:00 if you’re just here for the entrepreneurship.

Also covered in this episode:

  • How Tim starts every morning
  • NFL talk: Teddy Bridgewater, Vikings vs. Lions, Quarterbacks [ends at 15 Min.]
  • Rational Choice and NFL Head coaches and coordinators  
  • Tim’s career path from intern to founder of Platform
  • Lessons learned working as a congressional campaign intern
  • The advantages young people have when entering new industries
  • How Tim landed his first client (as a marketing consultant)
  • Turning a marketing consulting business into a nation-wide digital marketing company
  • The value of raising your prices
  • Writing a book as a sales tool
  • How to double the average webinar attendance rate
  • Learning to work ON your business, not IN your business
  • Investing in yourself, even when you can’t “afford” it
  • Applying social proof to marketing and your life in general
  • Tim’s impact on The Future of School


If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

97 – FwTK: Beauty, Objectivity, and Suge Knight

TK is back this week as we explore whether or not beauty is objective, the difference between morality and justice, why the least applicable advice is the best, and what legendary rap producer Suge Knight had to say about Praxis.

Recommendations: On the Origins of Money by Carl Menger, Toward an Empirical Theory of Natural Rights by John Hasnas, and fisheconomics.org.

This and all episodes are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google PlayYouTube, and Stitcher.

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96 – Decentralizing Wikipedia, with Everipedia Co-Founder George Beall

George Beall

George Beall is a co-founder of Everipedia, the open encyclopedia that takes puts more power in the hands of the public. In his first year of college and before joining Everipedia, George founded a plug and play touchscreen tile technology company.

George is an outstanding example of learning from experience. He has consistently created or joined projects that interest him without waiting for permission or credentials. At a young age, he is already a seasoned entrepreneur. 

Also covered in this episode:

  • What is wrong with Wikipedia?
  • Is Wikipedia censoring information?
  • The bureaucracy of editing on Wikipedia
  • How do you convince people of a problem they may not be aware of?
  • What are Everipedia’s biggest challenges
  • George’s origin story
  • What sparks an interest in entrepreneurship?
  • Creating Touch Tiles as a college freshman
  • Learning from experience vs. a classroom
  • Future targets for Everipedia


If you are a fan of the show, make sure to leave a review on iTunes.

All episodes of the Isaac Morehouse Podcast are available on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

Don’t Worry if You Don’t Know What You Want to Do in Life

You don’t know what you want to do in life.

That’s not a problem. In fact, you can’t know what you want to do in life. Most of what you’ll do you’ve not even heard of yet or it hasn’t yet been invented.

Forget all that. Just don’t do stuff you hate and everything else is fair game.Instead of what you want to do, think about who you want to be. What kind of person, what kind of habits, virtues, friends, and inner fire do you want?

Set about becoming that person. No one will give it to you. Setup routines and practices that move you a tiny bit closer to the version of yourself you want to be every day.

Do that, and more amazing opportunities to do cool things will emerge than you can now imagine.

Categorized as Commentary